Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Kojima Productions Says "No MGS4 90 Minute Cutscenes"
Late last month, magazine PSW stated that upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4 has 90 minute cutscenes — which, the magazine pointed out, could be skipped. Website GamePro fired back, confirming that the game does have "occasionally lengthy" cutscenes and calling the 90 minute cutscenes "a pretty big exaggeration." Magazine EDGE offered this in its review: "The cutscenes here are sure to invoke that thousand-yard stare, two in particular coming perilously close to the 90-minute mark." But what's the official word from Kojima Productions? Metal Gear Solid 4 Assistant Producer Ryan Payton tells Kotaku that the 90 minute cutscene claim is a "gross exaggeration."
he is surprised nobody has stepped forward to debunk this rumor. There are no 90 minute cutscenes in MGS4. The ending is long, but 90 minutes is a gross exaggeration.
And here he thought gamers liked long endings!
So there ya go, no 90 minute cutscenes and a lengthy ending says Kojima Productions.
Metal Gear Solid 4 or Marriage?
The Metal Gear Solid 4 ads are firing up on Japanese TVs. Above, the announcer says: "Combat or infiltration? Direct advance or detour? Hope or hopelessness? Chose for yourself. Metal Gear Solid 4 out. Gaming's counterattack begins." The second spot after that shows a young couple as the guy continues playing MGS4 nonstop. The announcer for that ad goes: "Metal or meals? Metal or phone? Metal or marriage? Of course, Metal."
Fishy Copies Of MGS4 Already In British Hands
For the past, oh, day or two, they have got a few "OMG I have MGS4" emails from readers. Normally pictures or videos of people in the UK who have managed to get hold of a copy of the game on eBay ahead of its June 12 release date. All of them pointing towards auctions just like this one. Normally, not so big a deal, as advance copies of games are often offloaded by shady writers. But journos aren't getting copies of MGS4. There are no advance copies. So how'd these guys in the UK get them? And why are they Australian retail copies of the game - as you can see from the MA15+ rating on the cover - and not the UK version? Think most of you can put two and two together on this one.
Cutscenes, Konami, Shame, Sessler
G4's Adam Sessler chimes in on this whole Konami Metal Gear Solid 4 PR brouhaha. It's worth a watch — he makes many valid points!
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Say, Is Your GameStop Having A Midnight Launch For MGS4?
Why don't you check! GameStop have been sending out emails over the past few days, tipping customers off to the fact they'll be open at midnight for the launch of Metal Gear Solid 4. Only catch: not every GameStop will be open. Just some! And by some, I mean hundreds. Their list runs for 29 pages, so if your local store (or at least, a store near you) isn't on there, you may wish to consider your geographic isolation, and ask a friend via telegram or carrier pigeon to pick a copy up for you.
Up Close With Euro MGS4 Limited Edition Figure
There it is! That's the six inch Old Solid Snake figure for the Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition. The pack also features a soundtrack CD, a making-of Blu-ray and figurine.