Friday, 16 May 2008

New MGS4 Screens Want To Sell You Things


Metal Gear Solid 4 offers more than great gameplay and solid graphics. It also offers product placement! From an in-game iPod and Triumph motorcycles to cell phones and energy drinks, MGS4 has tactical advertising down pat


The First 10 Minutes Of Metal Gear Solid 4

Earlier this morning Ashcraft attended a press event in Japan for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, where Kojima himself played through the game for about 40 minutes. Game Videos was kind (or evil) enough to commit the first 10 minutes of said gameplay to video, essentially capturing the experience of starting up MGS 4 for the first time.

Now, I know how some of you are about spoilers,. You can move along right now and forget that this post even exists. Completely up to you. Me? I am looking, but I'd be remiss in my duties if I didn't at least draw your attention to it.


You Really Did Get Assassin's Creed In My MGS4!

That Ubisoft/Kojima April Fool's joke was pretty elaborate! Snake running around MGS4 dressed as Altair, looking for all the world like it was actually in the would it surprise you to hear that it wasn't really a gag? Yeah, that's right. It was announced at the MGS4 wrap party today that MGS4 players will indeed be able to unlock an Assassin's Creed outfit for Snake (we won't tell you how), which were it not for the silver moustache and trademark cigarette would have you thinking Altair himself had time-travelled his way into the final Metal Gear title. How's this happening? Why's this happening? Who knows, the mind boggles.
