When you get down to it, Metal Gear is getting up their in age. I mean, it's twenty years old? Next year, it can legally drink in America! This clip is from the "Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2" DVD.
Souce kotaku.com
Sunday, 20 April 2008
20 Years of Metal Gear Anniversary Trailer
You Got Assassin's Creed In My MGS4!
When worlds collide, they go BOOM! What do you get when you insert Assassin's Creed's Altair into Metal Gear Solid 4? Well you get this video clip, which shows the smoking assassin watching patiently while countless soldiers get slaughtered before leaping into action and finally revealing what he's been hiding beneath that robe...Solid Snake! Feel free to insert your own "Is that a Solid Snake under your robe?" jokes in the comments section, while we try to.
Souce kotaku.com
Metal Gear Solid 4 Pre-order Discs Sneak Out, Beta Hits April 21
Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4 pre-order program will be kicking off proper very soon, as the bonus disc and beta invites have begun to ship to stores. An IGN board member posted pics yesterday of the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD, the one gamers get when they pre-order the game, which contains a six chapter catch up on all things Metal Gear Solid. According to the poster's recount of the beta details, downloads for the Metal Gear Online trial period begin April 17, with the beta program running April 21 to May 5.
Souce kotaku.com