Saturday, 17 May 2008

Limited Edition MGS4 "Gun Metal Gray" PS3 Is A Exclusive

Konami announced today that the "gun metal gray" special edition PlayStation 3—described as being "very, very limited" when confirmed for a stateside release—bundled with Metal Gear Solid 4 and a DualShock 3 controller will only be available for purchase from Konami's web site. Priced at $599.99 USD, it will sport 40GB worth of hard drive space in addition to it's unique, flat finish.

Don't confuse it with the regular MGS4 PS3 bundle, which will ring up at $499.99 and comes with an 80GB hard drive. Yes, you're paying $100 for gray pride.

Pre-orders open May 19 at Considering how swimmingly the Metal Gear Online beta sign up process went, we'd suggest having more than one computer at the ready for what may be frantic pre-ordering action.


Kojima: "Metal Gear Solid 4 is Complete"

What Konami event would be complete without a healthy dose of Metal Gear Solid 4? And a healthy dose it was! After a short talk about the series in which Kojima proudly announced "Metal Gear Solid 4 is Complete" we watched as he played through the first forty-five minutes of the game which, while fascinating, was a bit lengthy given the time of night and the non air conditioned room.

During the announcements we were told about the PS3 MGS4 bundle which has been confirmed to contain a gunmetal gray PS3 with matching Dual Shock 3 controller and the MGS4 limited edition version of the game. Once the gameplay started we were treated to the most fantastic MGS news of the evening, a brand new secret weapon.

The secret weapon revealed was the Tanegashima gun, a mythological Japanese weapon that causes massive destruction. The gun was of an older variety and the crowd got quite a laugh watching Snake go through the rather detailed routine of loading the gun, tamping the shot down and getting it ready to fire. Once it was ready though, it was something quite unlike I had ever seen. Shooting into the crowd with it causes a huge whirlwind of a tornado that knocks huge groups of enemies out and spreads copious amounts of ammo out all over the place allowing you to run around and gather your stores for later.But, such things come at a price and the Tanegashima is by far the most expensive weapon in the game, so be sure to save your pennies!

Seeing the reaction in the room when these things were shown was enough to convince me that MGS 4 is set to be the PS3s first real system seller. It also leaves me feeling that June 12 just can't come fast enough.


So... Will There Be Another Metal Gear Solid?

Last year, Konami spent an insane amount of money on the Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party. The swish event was at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo Midtown. Throughout the event, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima kept mentioning that the fourth entry was the last game in the series. That this was it! But as Konami CEO Fumiaki Tanaka kept saying that he hoped Kojima would make more Metal Gear and others kept saying they hoped there would be more Metal Gear, Kojima was overheard at the end of the night saying that there would be more! Granted, how involved he would be in the future games is up in the air. So it wasn't exactly a surprise when a sequel was vaguely hinted at the end the press conference. But is it a Metal Gear Solid sequel? Dunno, it was way too vague. But, really, Konami (and Kojima) would be silly not to eventually do MGS5 with Metal Gear being its second biggest IP after Winning Eleven and a huge exclusive for Sony. Sure, this is pie-in-the-sky talk, but let's just hope Kojima gets the chance to branch out and do something different in the interim.
