Sunday, 4 May 2008

More Info About Metal Gear Solid 4 Flashbacks

The latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine has more info on what-looks-like playable Metal Gear Solid memories in MGS4. According to the magazine, cut scenes at the beginning of the missions refer to the franchise's evolution. What's more: characters talk and reference other stars of this universe, you may see an X or L1 button icon quickly flash on the screen. Hit the right button while it's highlighted and you'll be treated to a very brief context flashback. Basically, the system uses images and moments from the past Metal Gear games to help visually rekindle your own memories of the who, what, where, and why.


Will MGS 4 Feature Playable MGS Flashbacks

When glorious June 12th arrives, playing as Old Snake might prompt many Metal Gear Solid fans to think back on his youth in the series' earlier installments. This latest video flashes back to MGS 1, then shows our boy in his prime during Super Smash Bros. Brawl — and follows up with footage of a young Snake in MGS 4, traversing Shadow Moses in what seems to be a dream sequence. It ends with Kojima being coy as always — will MGS 4 let us play scenes from earlier games in the form of Snake's memories? Thanks, FILASIFER!


Konami Adds Stuff To Metal Gear Online

Enjoying the Metal Gear Online beta? Course you are. Now go enjoy it some more. Konami have today made two additions to the beta, throwing in not only a new map, but a new gameplay mode as well. The map's called Midtown Maelstrom, and looks a lot like the demo level we got to play at TGS last year. The new gameplay mode's called Sneaking Mission. One guy plays as Solid Snake, everyone else is a guard, with the guards then split into two competing teams.
