Monday, 14 April 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 "Steel" PS3 Selling Like The Japanese Equivalant Of Hotcakes

Konami has to like its chances on the success of Metal Gear Solid 4, if the quick sell out of the "steel" edition PlayStation 3 are any indication. The Konamistyle web site, which handles all manner of Konami brand stuff, is already sold out of the limited edition 40GB console. It's going for 51,800 yen ($517 US) and should be available at other retailers soon, but the allotment given to Konami's own store has been quickly depleted. Don't worry though, collectors. You'll still be able to get Hori's useless and garish DualShock 3 charging station in "steel" at your leisure.


More Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition Details

North American gamers may not be getting a boss "steel" colored PlayStation 3 and DualShock 3 like the Japanese, but they are getting a solid limited edition release for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. The premium package for Konami's tactical espionage action freak out contains the following stuff. Sorry, no Old Snake fake mustache accessory included.

Collectible metal box
Bonus Blu-ray disc with two "making of" documentaries, four chapters of the graphic novel and Metal Gear import soundtrack
$85 price tag
And if you pre-order it now, GameStop promises you an "exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 art book" at the time of purchase. Not bad, I suppose, but not something I see myself sprinting to my nearest franchise location with an eighty-five dollar bill in hand. They still make those, right?


A Better Look At MGS4's "Steel" PS3
