Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Metal Gear Online Beta Invites Going Out To PlayStation GAP Members

PlayStation Gamer Advisory Panel members ought to check (and re-check) their spam filters, as they may be on the receiving end of an unsolicited Metal Gear Online beta invite. Our helpful tipsters—who moonlight as lucky bastards—have already been notified that they'll be able to participate without having to pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4. Good thing Sony and Konami waited until (most of) the bugs were shaken out before distributing to GAPers. Oh, that's a horrid name for it...


New Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer

As the title says. It's a (mostly) new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer. Lots of new footage of Metal Gears and lady-robots with tentacles, lots of footage of men being whacked over the noggin with guns, only some footage of monkeys wearing pants. I must say, while the graveyard scenes were brief, it's awful nice seeing green grass and flowers in a MGS4 trailer. That desert town was getting boring.


BBFC Says MGS4 Has "Implied Child Rape" [Updated]

Metal Gear Solid 4 violent? Let's hear what the British Board of Film Classification says:

METAL GEAR SOLID 4 is a third person tactical/stealth game. The player takes on the role of an aging soldier, Snake who can be armed with knives, guns and grenades. The game has been classified '15' for strong violence.
During battles enemy soldiers die with small puffs of blood. The weaponry includes petrol bombs, however there is no detailed portrayal of injuries. During cut scenes slightly more detailed violence is portrayed, such as enemy creatures spearing friendly soldiers and one protracted fist fight

More BBFC-on-MGS4-violence after the jump! Some *might* consider this spoilers. Most will considered it effed up.

The violence is generally undetailed. At 15 BBFC Guidelines state that 'Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury'. It is possible for the player to progress stealthily through the game, avoiding violent confrontations where possible.
The game also features one use of strong language and references to suicide and an implied child rape.

"References to suicide and implied child rape"?! Bwah?

Eds Note: We contacted Kojima Productions' Ryan Payton, who offered this insight: "There is no mention of rape in the game. There is mention of child trauma, which is probably why they added 'implied.'"
