Monday, 31 March 2008

New Metal Gear Solid 4 Screens To Look At

Got some new Metal Gear Solid 4 Screens


Special MGS4 PS3 Color Revealed (Game Pricing, Too)

According to this scan from Japanese magazine Famitsu, the regular version of Metal Gear Solid 4 will retail for ¥8,800 (US $91), the Special Edition will go for ¥9,800 ($101) and the bundle will go for ¥51,800 ($534). And the color of the PS3 console in that special edition MGS4 bundle? That would be "steel." Fitting.


New Metal Gear Solid 4 Screens To Look At


While Kojima has already apparently moved on to other things, Check out these new Metal Gear Solid 4 screenies. Looks like aqua green is the new brown! The game is out June 12th. Everywhere.


Kojima Moving On From Metal Gear Solid, But To What?

Metal Gear Solid series director, producer, and writer Hideo Kojima has long planned to let loose the reins to the Metal Gear line, but it appear he may be finally moving on. A recent report on Japanese web site Nikkei BP, by way of IGN, reveals that Kojima already has designs for a new game that doesn't feature Snake on the hunt for nuke deploying robots, but what it is hasn't been revealed.

Kojima, who has overseen development on original Konami franchises like Zone of the Enders and Boktai, may talk about what's on deck for Kojima Productions, but not until after Metal Gear Online gets a "major push." That's according to Konami president Fumiaki Tanaka, who says the company is also working on reviving some of its classic franchises.


Sunday, 30 March 2008

Kojima Says Blu-Ray Disc Doesn't Have Enough Space

Sure, we know Metal Gear Solid 4 is a big game and all. We didn't know it was gianormous. Literally! Last week, Kojima Productions producer Ryan Payton said there wasn't enough space for an English language track on the Japanese version of MGS4 and vice-versa. Just listen to this exchange between Hideo Kojima and Famitsu:

Kojima: For us, we're not still not satisfied with the quality we can do. You know, there's not capacity space.
Interviewer: Wait, wait a sec. Saying there's not enough capacity, are you talking about Blu-ray?

Kojima: That's correct. There's not enough space at all. (laughs) ...There's not enough space. We always talked about where to cut and what to compress.

Hideo Kojima, gaming's Icarus, flying too close to the sun.


Japanese MGS4 Won't Have English Subtitles

Earlier, we brought word that the US and European Metal Gear Solid 4 versions will not feature a Japanese voice track due to a lack of apparent disc space. Well, what about the Japanese version? Will it feature English language subtitles? Surely, Kojima Productions could squeeze subtitles on — that way, those English speakers who really wanted the Japanese voices would get them. Kojima Pro's Ryan Payton tells us:

No English subtitles on MGS4 JP.

Short, to the point and unfortunate. Ya can't have everything, kids! Sorry.


US/Europe Metal Gear Solid 4 Won't Have Japanese Track

In the latest Kojima Productions Report podcast, producer Ryan Payton announces that MGS4 won't have voice over tracks for other languages. Says Payton:

Unfortunately because of disc space, we don't have the space to include other languages, other voice over files for the respective versions. So the Japanese version's not gonna have English VO, and the North American and European versions won't have Japanese VO.

He does go on to state the voice over work in MGS4 is the best it's ever been. Kojima Pro's Aki Saito chimes in, saying they could've delayed the game to shoehorn that VO work in. But hey, the PS3 is region-free if you really, really want to hear the Japanese VO. Sounds like MGS4 is pushing the boundaries of Blu-ray space.
